Quarterly update

Why choose the Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Funds?

The Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Fund range offers five actively managed, volatility-controlled, risk-profiled solutions designed to adapt to changing market conditions. These funds aim to grow investments over the medium to long term (5 years or more) and provide the optimal balance of risk and reward to help achieve your clients’ retirement and investment goals.

  • Risk Profiled: Easily select the right option tailored to your clients’ needs.
  • Expert Management: Managed by industry experts using a unique investment process.
  • Global Diversification: Investments spread across various assets, geographical regions, and styles.
  • Proven Performance: Established track record of long-term performance since 2013.

Quarterly update Q3 2024

Watch our short film with the latest insights from our investment manager, BlackRock, on the Horizon Funds performance over the last quarter.

Our comprehensive fund report includes the latest asset allocation, performance, risk ratings, and market outlook.

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Easy access to the latest Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Fund Range prices for your convenience.

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